How to become a member
First of all you can visit us and come to a few of our events, so we can get to know each other. Anyone who is interested in actively participating in the project is welcome as a member. Ideally you will be living here. It’s ideal if he lives here. After we get to know each and everything runs smoothly you may express your interest in becoming a provisional member.
Member Requirements
- invest a piece of your energy, time and mind in the whole project
- be in one (or more) working group
- participate in regular circles (once a month 3-4 days in a row – except summer)
- participate in a Community Building seminar or other self-development activities that we currently need (max. 4 per year)
- pay membership fees
Options for non-members
Volunteering opportunities depend on the current capacity (how many volunteers are already here and how many we are able to coordinate).
Currently we are looking for volunteers 😀 More information here.
Long term visit
If you don’t want to be a member, you can be a long-term visitor. Such a person lives here for a month or more. He also contributes with his work and, if not, compensates this item with a financial contribution. A community can only handle a certain amount of long term visits and it is not our primary concern. Nevertheless, in certain cases it can be an alternative and mutually beneficial form.