European Solidarity Corps, Erasmus+
The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is a program supported by the European Commission that allows young people to gain valuable experience through volunteering projects. We are currently looking for volunteers – more info here.
In Vila Flora, we have hosted dozens of volunteers from different corners of the planet over the course of five years. It was an extremely positive experience that enriched both us and our project and, we believe, the volunteers as well. After moving to Spoluzeme Vrásbko, we decided to try applying for the Quality Label – the gateway to grants from the European Solidarity Corps. In the spring of 2022, our application was granted and we received a Quality Label for seven years and a grant for 20 months.
From July to December 2022, we have the opportunity to host two volunteers. Next year we will host two volunteers from March to December and the next year from May to October. We are also preparing a three-week stay for ten volunteers within the Volunteer Teams.

Our volunteers have the opportunity to experience community life in an emerging eco-community. They help with our permaculture garden, learn to compost, harvest and preserve through fermentation, pickling, drying and freezing. They help us with the maintenance of the premises inside and outside. They also learn to cook without meat and animal products, make raw sweets and kombucha. Our builders teach them the basics of natural construction.
During their stay, volunteers will learn the basics of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, i.e. minimalism, zero waste, saving water and resources, cleaning with non-toxic means, vegan cooking and generally taste healthy food from local sources. Last but not least, they will also learn about community skills, the importance of open non-violent communication and the necessity of personal development. The aim of our project is to pass on essential knowledge for a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle of volunteers and at the same time to help the development of Spoluzeme Vrábsko.
Our national umbrella agency for ESC projects is the House of Foreign Cooperation. On their website, they define the ESC’s goals as follows:
“The aim of the European Solidarity Corps is to offer young people the opportunity to help those in need, participate in solving social problems and advocate for the creation of a more inclusive society. At the same time, it offers the opportunity to acquire new skills and work experience that will improve their position on the labor market.” source:
Erasmus+ projects are focused on the field of non-formal education, namely in the key events People’s mobility projects, of which we are also a part. Mobility projects are focused on international trips of young people, enable them to work together on various topics and motivate them to participate in civil society. As part of the projects, youth workers can also go abroad and strengthen their professional development. We are involved in the following activities
Youth exchanges
As part of youth exchange projects, young people between the ages of 13 and 30 from different countries can work on a topic that interests them, and at the same time meet new people, gain interesting experiences and learn something new.
Mobility projects for youth workers
Projects focused on the mobility of youth workers enable the (co)organization of international professional development activities such as training, seminars, study visits, networking and community building. Organizations thus have the opportunity to improve their work with youth, exchange experience and good practice, establish or improve partnerships and prepare joint projects.